Friday, May 1, 2020

Thirsty Mind is the Lucky Mind

Concerns are getting scarier especially when it is about the malaise that has struck the globe with no respite other than staying where you are and taking preventive/precautionary measures.
All around there is a feverish concern about lockdown but here i am beginning to feel greater than before. Some saying this and some saying that. Some doing this and some doing that to remain sane and calm during lockdown. Some using phrases like ‘burning a house to kill the rat’ and others using words like hell, curfew, detention, clampdown, confinement and what not to describe their feelings and i am beginning to wonder if it is crazy or mean of me to feel very fortunate especially now.
Nothing much has changed for me barring the frequent ordering of special takeaways online through the usual aggregators. i have more than enough to live well and do whatever i want to without having an iota of doubt if it is the correct thing to do during ‘trying times’.  
i continue to live each day as before doing chores that i must do and when i want to be entertained i have plenty to pick and choose. i can’t complain about anything but the usual. For example calling up the Chief Health Inspector and requesting him ‘fogging’ for the entire colony as there is a sudden influx of both Dengue and Malarial mosquitoes.

i deal with my health issues by diverting my mind and most importantly exercising the mind. i can’t help feeling blessed here too because i can.
Each first time encounter makes me smile like a cat who has just polished off a jar of fresh cream and is so certain that the next meal would be Ben & Jerry's Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream.  

The painful joints cease to exist when i am into my self-induced projects. The projects not only obliterate the unwanted but also give purpose to my mundane existence. Pre or post lockdown i have always been like that and feel thankful that my life has not been thrown off gear. The perfect formula for dealing with any kind of lows/blues or even boredom be it during this (lockdown) or any other is to create something to look forward to depending on what one is really passionate about. Never comparing or competing with others as to what they were doing but doing just for the love of it.
Among the so many things that i enjoy doing is arriving at my own discoveries while executing those mindful projects. Not that i am a committed- to -the -cause explorer but it is just that lady luck shines on me delivering me golden opportunities to quench my ever curious thirsty mind.
The picture of the beautiful exotic flower is that of a clover. Of course when my eyes chanced upon the tiny specks of delicious pink i did not know it's human nomenclature. Living in what the world is experiencing as ‘trying times’ and yet having at my disposal a vast seemingly endless resource called the internet at my disposal to satisfy the important and urgent needs, it took me less than ten minutes to know what it is.
Clover- Apart from pink there is a white flower and yellow flower clover too and they are great nitrogen fixers for the soil. So many new knowledge did i find

Not knowing what the beauty is would've left me in a state of tiresome restlessness just like how the ever so busy ever so moving world is facing during this scary lockdown. 
So not only the pink clover but all that the’ trying times’ are adding to my kitty will be featuring in my next blogs. But let me confess the treasures that add sparkle to my bored -with- everything mind are definitely not induced by lockdown. i have for a long time now attended classrooms without walls and have been content. i was urge free to share or blog. Absorbing the importance of each addition felt like the start of a fresh new episode of a binge worthy show and finding time to write/blog felt wearisome if not worrisome.

Last evening when i spoke to my Mother in law she was echoing the same contagious excitement of extreme gratefulness. She said she was eating better because the vegetable vendors were delivering straight -from- the- farm- to -home fresh fruits and vegetables. It felt even greater to analyze over a long warm chat without getting bored/snappy with each other as to why it could be so.

They say that a four leaf clover is hard to find but one who does is considered lucky. But this is what Ms Oprah Winfrey said about luck. She said that luck is what happens when preparedness meets opportunity. One must be prepared when opportunity came along. i believe not only me but there would be so many of us who would second that. 


  1. What a refreshing post to read during these times! Your post cheered my spirits and gave me many things to be grateful about. After all why look and overthink at the negatives when we have aplenty to be thankful for!

    Thanks for coming by my posts and leaving an excellent mark. Always appreciated. I'm glad that I now have the means to visit blogs and write posts.

    Joy always

    1. grateful indeed for your inputs Susannah. Your posts are interesting too and i just find it hard not to say anything. Rather say whatever the mind gets prompted to say.
