Sunday, May 3, 2020

Paintings that Flutter By

It would be more than interesting to know why it is called The Painted Lady although it was helpful to know much more apart from the fact that it has other names too. Courtesy
i wouldn't be sure if it is a common butterfly simply because commonality too is very personal and depends on apart from the frequency of sighting to one's interest in them. i can't say then that The Painted Lady is as common as a crow. i was seeing them first time.
When i was a kid growing in Bihar i loved trying to catch butterflies only because it was thrilling to tiptoe, holding in the breath and missing them always but nevertheless going at it at the mere sight of one. The thrill of a challenging feat and it didn't really matter if i caught one but feeling super elated at the attempt itself. Those colorful butterflies of childhood days seen everywhere, in school gardens or in the deserted patches near home where thistles and other wildflowers grew are not seen anymore. It is heartening to know however that they are still around.Thanks to the field guide compiled by none other than the Butterfly Man of India Mr Issac Kehimkar.
As a kid i knew them just as a butterfly that one needs to catch and had no questions not even as to why it was called a butter although it did fly. Now thanks to the book i know that they are commonly called Jezebels. The Jezebel i mostly miss of my childhood is also having the prefix painted too. Painted Jezebel a white with black branching in a pattern stripes and having yellow, orange... if i remember them correctly. Today i have a question. Why are they called Jezebels !?.
The meaning of the name which "Often not capitalised : an impudent, shameless or morally unrestrained woman'' or " an immoral woman who deceives people in order to get what she wants."

Watching one now as a piece of live art i did not feel the thrill of childhood but curiosity mixed with awe as it probed to feed, my thoughts glued to the art which could be a clever mix of abstract and geometry. The mind seeking creativity most times started imagining a huge canvas with those patterns in it. Shades/hues of browns interspersed with white, powdery orange and salmon pink if i am describing the colors correctly.

Should i be marveling the artist Master Creator or the fact that science has explanation for everything be it the fusion art on the wings of the butterfly or the strange color combinations used to create unique masterpieces !
''The patterns on the wings can help protect butterflies from predators through camouflage, or warn predators that the butterfly's body is toxic, or help attract potential mates.''
Presently i want to believe that there is a Master Artist preparing yet another set of patterns using unique color combinations to blow my mind off and leave me yet again with one or more questions. 


  1. Very beautifully you have painted the nature , and different hues of the painted lady.Amazingly captured her dance movements..The nomenclature of jezebel is quite interesting
